Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. essays

Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. essays Can you imagine planning for one of the happiest days of your life, and then having all of that change in the blink of an eye? Imagine finding out that your unborn child will be born with a very serious congenital heart defect. I am going to talk to you about a congenital heart defect known as Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. I became interested in hypoplastic left heart syndrome after learning that my nephew would be born with this defect. I believe that it is important to know about HLHS because it is a syndrome that is not well known, but that can affect all of our children. In the next few minutes I will be talking to you about the diagnosis, characteristics and available treatment options for HLHS. HLHS is described by the Mayo Clinic as an abnormality in which the left side of your child's heart (left ventricle, aorta, and both the aortic and mitral valves) are severely underdeveloped. HLHS is a heart condition present at birth, it affects the normal blood flow through the heart. According to New York Presbyterian Hospital HLHS is the most common serious heart defects in newborn babies. It is believed to make up 8% of all cases of heart defects present at birth and is likely to show up slightly more frequently in boys than girls. Prior to birth HLHS can be found during an ultrasound during the second trimester of pregnancy. Doctors can also use a fetal echocardiogram to get a better idea as to how severe the defect is. After birth if a defect is suspected doctors will use an echocardiogram to diagnose HLHS. In babies born without HLHS the right side of the heart pumps oxygen poor blood from the heart to the lungs, and the left side supplies the rest of the body with oxygen rich blood. In babies born with HLHS, the left side of the heart cannot function properly therefore not supplying the blood like it should this lack of supplying blood correctly can leave HLHS babies with a blueish coloring of the lips, and fin...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free sample - Social Psychology. translation missing

Social Psychology. Social PsychologyIn the field of health psychology, an understanding on how biology, behavior and social context influence an individual’s or group’s health or illness is taken into account. In the last decade, the applicability of health psychology has been advanced and utilized the more, resulting in an increase in doubts cast by critics as to the importance and usefulness of cognitive psychology. Particular models that address memory aspects of visual and verbal information processing with minimal acknowledgement of any sensory modalities have come under heavy criticism. However, research in olfactory memory literature has rapidly expanded since the 1970’s and has risen beyond conventional memory research. Therefore, the literature herein examines principally on the Proustian characteristics of smell and the relationship between olfactory memory and other closely related types of memory. It is key to note that findings from research conducted on olfaction has been consequently used as a base for theories in other fields though caution must be applied so as not to base these general theories on narrowly researched databases. The chief objectives of the study are to investigate the relationship between olfaction and memory and the most remembered olfactory stimuli through a literature review of various articles. In Baddeley’s 1992 fifteenth Bartlett lecture; he expressed a long-standing commitment expressed by most experienced psychologists in devising theories aimed at encompassing data from diverse sources. He expressed that a theory in health psychology should be economical while giving a plausible account of existing findings that bring into light new discoveries in this field. These discoveries should in turn mold the theory through a â€Å"gradual, cumulative modification of the theory.† He further suggested that models should be applied over a wide range of situations or fields; that is scope rather than precision. This notwithstanding, research carried on the basis of findings presented from the Ebbinghaus and Bartlett traditions concentrates chiefly on verbal rather than visual cognition. However, there has been little contemporary support in literature such as in Morris Gruneberg, 1994 which attempted to inspect whether theories and models in human memory, in referen ce to modality, relate to memory phenomena in other sensory modalities such as touch, taste, or smell. Comprehensive reviews carried out on olfactory cognition and its influence by the conven ­tional memory literature such as Richardson Zucco, 1989 and Schab, 1991 shows an interesting analysis and relation to new research areas. The relationship between olfaction and memory can best be illustrated by perception of smell and the triggering of a long-forgotten event. A perfume may remind someone of a long forgotten person. Research carried out by Engen in 1987 claimed that odor memory does not trigger short-term memory which has been contradicted by the 1997 White and Treishman report. Although evidence of olfactory primacy under which stimuli presented at the beginning of a study is best remembered through rehearsal, the report provides a strong base in evidence presented for recency in olfaction. White and Treisman argued on the basis that olfactory memory is a result of individuals assigning assign verbal meanings to olfactory stimuli. The study further claims that olfactory sense is a crucial sense in animals. This is further supported by evidence presented on the existence of peripheral olfactory memory in imprinted salmon which was carried out by Nevitt et. al in 1994. The study found out that the  "remark honing ability of salmon relies on olfactory cues though its cellular basis is unknown.† The role of peripheral olfactory receptors in odorant memory retention was done through imprinting Coho salmon with phenyl ethyl alcohol. This study verified that there was an increased preference for phenyl ethyl alcohol in salmon adults, therefore proving that some â€Å"component of the imprinted olfactory home stream memory appears to be retained peripherally.† The most remembered olfactory stimuli were investigated by Rabin Cain in 1984. The findings showed that memory was enhanced by familiarity and identifiability. Learning processes have been found to imprint olfaction especially in animals. Frances Darling and Burton Slotnick 1994 research in rats showed that they quickly learnt â€Å"to avoid licking at a drinking tube containing an odorant and quinine hydrochloride†. Learning was quickly in response to the combination of odor and taste stimuli. Therefore, it was inferred the brain can be equipped with an olfactory memory mechanism. Rats had the capability to locate food through olfactory memory further supports the existence of an olfactory memory.    References Baddeley, A. (1992). The Fifteenth Bartlett Lecture. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , 44, 1-31. G A Nevitt, A. H. (1994). Evidence for a peripheral olfactory memory in imprinted salmon. Seattle: Department of Zoology, University of Washington. Morris, P. E. (1994). Theoretical Aspects of Memory. London: Routledge. Rabin, M. D. (1984). Odor recognition: Familiarity, identifiability, and encoding consistency. J. Exp. Psychol.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Citizenship and Naturalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Citizenship and Naturalization - Essay Example A policy is being proposed by many that such a test should also be designed for these American people too as they should also know enough about the roots to which they belong. In my opinion such a policy is best suited for the people of America so that they are forced to know about their nation. Andrew Romano in the Newsweek Magazine provided details about the citizenship test which was attempted by the citizens of America. He briefs that 38% of the citizens failed the test and 29% of these citizens did not even know the name of the vice president. This clearly shows that the citizens of America have been quite ignorant because of no restrictions imposed upon them. Romano further compared the results with the people of Europe and found that they knew much more than the Americans did. A great percentage of the European knew about Taliban whereas a lesser percentage of the Americans knew about Taliban even though United States has been actively involved in the charge against them. The problem cannot be rooted out if the citizens do not realize the problem at the first instance. These citizens would only realize the gravity of the problem if they are posed w ith restrictions (Romano 2011). An implementation of the Naturalization Test would help these citizens to know more about their nations so that they can work as a whole. Jack Cafferty from CNN further highlighted these problems in the citizens of America. He puts forward that eligible voters do not even know about the roots of America and they end up voting the wrong person in the Congress. A naturalization test would urge these citizens to know more about their nation so that they can vote the right person for the right seat. An American citizen and an immigrant should not have much of a difference when these tests are being conducted because altogether both of these classes will turn out to be the voters for the United Nations (Cafferty

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How malt liqour is bad for health Research Paper

How malt liqour is bad for health - Research Paper Example The variety of injurious health effects produced by Four lokos is so abnormally huge that this particular brand of malt liquor was even banned from being sold in the market. A range of heart and blood pressure problems originate from consuming malt liquors. This is a sad reality that many malt liquors are marketed to children by masking the overwhelmingly bitter taste of alcohol with fruit flavors and people have certainly no idea about their markedly high alcohol content. People most often have no information how inebriated they are concerning the high level of stimulants contained in those liquors. The following discussion illuminates the majorly researched ill health effects produced by malt liquors. (Bellamy) stresses on the adverse results produced by consuming malt liquor Joose by mentioning that a large percentage of health researchers have linked Joose drinking and impaired mental performance due to which motor vehicle accidents result. Impaired or loose driving is one of the most fatal and common results produced by consuming Joose liquor. ... The Joose drinks are advertised as premium quality malt beverages with alcohol content ranging from â€Å"9-12% ABV† in 24oz. cans, which roughly equals alcohol content of wine. (Buzz Brands). A more reliable source claims that 24 oz. Joose cans contain 9-9.9 percent alcohol depending on the flavor. (Joose: Steel Reserve Killer). Here, the brand Four Loko clearly differs from Joose because it contains even higher alcohol content (and is capable of intoxicating an individual even more. This is because people new to malt liquor initially go for Joose and only after developing tolerance for that, they turn to Four Loko’s. Four Loko energy drinks have been the subject of critical legal, moral, and health concerns regarding the high alcohol content and injurious combination of caffeine and alcohol. â€Å"Four Loko has as much caffeine as two eight-ounce cups of coffee, and has 12 percent alcohol by volume.† (Johnson). This comparison of two of the most popular brands Joose and Four Lokos gives an insight into how the marketers of alcohol-based energy drinks rigorously try to outrun each other in increasing the alcohol content in an order to survive in the market. But, the sad reality is that this ferocious trend adopted by the marketers proves to be injurious and also fatal for the consumers, eventually. There has been much controversy and legal issues related to marketing of Joose and Four Loko drinks. The US state attorneys began investigation of companies selling alcohol-based energy drinks like United Brands Co. and Phusion noticing their rise in market share. This rise in market share occurred because the brands Joose and Four Loko were particularly marketed to teenage consumers, who

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Comparing The Kite Runner and Angelas Ashes Essay Example for Free

Comparing The Kite Runner and Angelas Ashes Essay Depression cause a down fall on a person’s emotion. This is easy to understand in the novels Angela’s Ashes and The Kite Runner. In these two stories a person will encounter with the feelings of abandonment and death. In the kite runner Amir was depressed that he and baba had to leave Kabul. He was wondering if he was going to forget his homeland along the line. He mentioned, â€Å"I only knew the memory lived in me a perfectly encapsulated morsel of a good past a brush stroke of color on the gray, barren canvas that our life had become † The Russians invaded Afghanistan so baba and Amir had to leave to find safety. It was very hard for them to leave their homeland and go to Africa. They had to leave all their belongings and life behind n start fresh in a different country. In Angela’s Ashes Angela’s family McCourt’s they saw they were living in poor conditions .Angela’s mother sent money so they al could board a ship to Ireland and start new and leave America behind. They left Brooklyn behind for nothing because when they got to Ireland the living conditions stayed the same. Malachy spends all of his money at the bars and he always shows u to work drunk. Now there are no more jobs in Ireland so he has to abandon his family and go to England to get a job there. Amir from The Kite Runner went back to Afghanistan to visit Rahim Khan because he was very sick. While he was telling him about his family he asked about Hassan so Rahim had to tell him the he got murdered by Taliban. Amir had lots of things going threw his head. He regrets not being in touch with him band for not sticking up h imp years ago. Baba became sick with cancer and he dint want any treatment, he wisent scared to die he knew he lived his life with many accomplishments. Amir father also died now he had no one to get help from when he need guidance. There were many deaths in Angela’s Ashes. When Margret was born Malachy was able to bring food home. It was his only daughter and he was very happy, but when she died everything turned to the worst. Later Oliver one of the twins died. They dialed with many deaths in their family but every time it was harder, Oliver’s death caused depression in the family. The Kite Runner and Angela’s ashes have related themes, the theme of depression stands out, threw the loss of their loved ones, and abandoning their home land these two novels show different events that took in different parts of the world that made people depressed.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Canterbury Tales - Linking Griselda of The Clerks Tale to the Biblical

Linking Griselda of The Clerk's Tale and the Biblical Sacrifice of Abraham      Ã‚  Ã‚   The Clerk's Tale seems to strike most readers  as a distasteful representation of corrupt sovereignty and emotional sadism; few can find any value in Walter's incessant urge to test his wife's constancy, and the sense that woman is built for suffering is fairly revolting to most modern sensibilities. Nevill Coghill, for instance, described the tale as "too cruel, too incredible a story," and he notes that "even Chaucer could not stand it and had to write his marvelously versified ironic disclaimer" (104-5). It seems, however, even more incredible that a great poet should bother composing a tale for which he himself had little taste; that is, there must be some point, however strange, to the ordeal of Griselda. One of the words Chaucer frequently uses to describe her character is sadness. The word obviously had a very different meaning in fourteenth-century England from what it has today: In Chaucer it does not denote a depressed moral or psychological sta te, but a way of reacting to events which takes them thoroughly seriously without letting them disturb one's internal composure. This kind of sadness can best be understood in terms of the biblical models Griselda follows. She explicitly echoes the Stoic resolve of Job when she declares, "Naked out of my fadreshous, ...I cam, and naked moote I turn again" (871-2) [this quote needs a / to show line breaks and should use spaced periods with square brackets for ellipses]. But the allusions to Job may momentarily throw the reader off the trail of an even stronger biblical model: the story of Abraham's sacrifice of Isaac   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The affinities b... the "intoxicated security of the flesh" (in   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Calvin's phrase), puffed up in its own satisfaction at an unbroken system   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   of moral debts and repayments, is negated by the knowledge of an   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   intractable sinfulness, and in which all human activity turns out to have   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   been an anguished cry for forgiveness.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited:      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Benson, Larry. Ed. The Riverside Chaucer. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   1987.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Clerk's Tale.The Riverside Chaucer.Ed. Larry    Benson. Boston: Houghton   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Mifflin Co., 1987. 137-53.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Coghill, Nevill. The Poet Chaucer. London: Oxford University Press, 1967.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Kierkegaard, Sà ¸ren. Fear and Trembling.Trans. Walter Lowrie. Princeton:   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   PrincetonUniversity Press, 1941.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019


The message therefore contains two destination addresses: * Address of the final destination * Address of the node which is the next â€Å"hop† The way these addresses are used in message propagation depends on the network topology, as follows:Star Topology All messages are routed via the Co-ordination. Both addresses are needed and the â€Å"next hop† address is that of the Co-ordination. Tree Topology A message is routed up the tree until it reaches a node that can route it back down the tree to the destination node.Both addresses are needed and the initial â€Å"next hop† address is hat of the parent of the sending node. The parent node then resends the message to the next relevant node – if this is the target node itself, the â€Å"final destination† address is used. The last step is then repeated and message propagation continues in this way until the target node is reached. Mesh Topology In this case, the propagation path depends on whether th e target node is in range: * If the target node is in range, only the â€Å"final destination† address is used. If the target node is not in range, the initial â€Å"next hop† address is that of the first node in the route to the IANAL destination. The message propagation continues in this way until the target node is reached. I I Application programs in intermediate nodes are not aware of the relayed message or its contents – the relaying mechanism is handled by the Gibe stack. I I The message propagation methods for the different topologies are illustrated by the animations below. Star Topology Tree Topologies Topology I Click â€Å"Next Page† to continue.I Previous Page | 1 12 13 14 15 16 17 I Negotiate o connecting 1 Route Discovery The Gibe stack network layer supports a â€Å"route discovery' facility in which a mesh outwork can be requested to find the best available route to the destination, when sending a message. Route discovery is initiated wh en requested by a data transmission request. Route Discovery Options There are three options related to route discovery for a mesh network (the required option being indicated in the message): SUPPRESS route discovery: The message is routed along the tree.ENABLE route discovery: The message is routed along an already discovered mesh route, if one exists, otherwise the Router initiates a route discovery. Once this is complete, the message will be sent along the calculated route. If the Router does not have the capacity to store the new route, it will direct the message along the tree. FORCE route discovery: If the Router has the route capacity, it will initiate a route discovery, even if a known route already exists. Once this is complete, the message will be sent along the calculated route.If the Router does not have the route capacity, it will route the message along the tree. Use of this option should be restricted, as it generates a lot of network traffic. Route Discovery Mechani sm The mechanism for route discovery between two End Devices involves the following . A route discovery broadcast is sent by the parent Router of the source End steps: Device. This broadcast contains the network address of the destination End Device. 2. All Routers eventually receive the broadcast, one of which is the parent of the destination End Device. 3.The parent Router of the destination node sends back a reply addressed to the parent Router of the source. 4. As the reply travels back through the network, the hop count and a signal quality measure for each hop are recorded. Each Router in the path can build a routing table entry containing the best tat to the destination End Device. 5. Eventually, each Router in the path will have a routing table entry and the route from source to destination End Device is established. Note that the corresponding route from destination to source is not known – the route discovered is unidirectional.I The choice of best path is usually t he one with the least number of hops, although if a hop on the most direct route has a poor signal quality (and hence a greater chance that retries will be needed), a route with more hops may be chosen. Device and Service Discovery The Gibe specification provides the facility for devices to find out information about other nodes in a network, such as their addresses, which types of applications are running on them, their power source and sleep behavior.This information is stored in descriptors on each node, and is used by the enquiring node to tailor its behavior to the requirements of the network. Discovery is typically used when a node is being introduced into a user-configured network, such as a domestic security or lighting control system. Once the device has Joined the network, its integration into the outwork may require the user to start the integration process by pressing a button or similar. The first task is to find out if there are any other devices that it can talk to.Fo r example, a device implementing the switch conforming to the HOC profile tries to find devices containing HOC load controllers to which it could potentially send its switch state information (the process of associating the switch with a particular load controller is handled by the binding process, presented earlier in this course). There are two types of discovery, Device and Service Discovery: Device Discovery Device Discovery involves interrogating a remote node for address information.The retrieved information can be either: * the MAC (IEEE) address of the node with a given network address * the network address of the node with a given MAC address. If the node being interrogated is a Router or Co-ordination, it may optionally supply the addresses of all the devices that are associated with it, as well as its own address. In this way, it is possible to discover all the devices in a network by requesting this information from the Co-ordination and then using the list of addresses corresponding to the children of the Co-ordination to launch queries about their child nodes.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Comparison of Jane Eyre and “Goblin Market” Essay

Bronte’s Jane Eyre and Rossetti’s â€Å"Goblin Market† are both texts written in the Victorian period. They both carry similar themes of the evils of patriarchy and the importance of empowering women to assert their identity in this time period. Both Jane Eyre and Laura are characters that are affected by the issues that mainly affected women in the male-dominated Victorian society. This is clearly portrayed when the men in both texts try to confine women physically and emotionally through deception and force. The different portrayal of both male and female characters also plays a very important role in communicating these issues. Rossetti’s â€Å"Goblin Market† can be read as a criticism of Victorian arrangement of marriage. She stresses the importance of women’s friendship as the main agent that can help in fighting against or changing society’s exploitation of women. The two sisters represent two different kinds of women; Lizzie, th e submissive ones and Laura, those that fought against patriarchy, and the goblins represent the patriarchal system. It shows that women can control their destinies, gain some level of independence, and avoid society’s oppressive rules and work towards their liberation and happiness. In the Victorians society men where more educated, powerful and rich hence they dominated women. Women were subjugated to the home as housewives whilst their husbands earned money for the family. This gave the men even more power over women, both before and after marriage. Therefore, this led to the society ignoring and exploiting of women’s rights and abilities, and social status. The goblin men, full of promises not kept, dominate goblin Market, which symbolizes marriage. This clearly shows how men controlled the marriage arrangement. Women had no or little power in society to get what they want hence would resort to selling themselves in marriage. Beauty and look was their only power and so they traded this and offered themselves for the security of a husband. The goblin men are described as animal-like but they still have power and influence over the women. Patriarchy is portrayed as being corrupt and deceptive. Rossetti shows that women were usually coaxed into marriage with lavish promises of love, wealth, status and security. This is seen when the goblin men persistently and persuasively cry out to the girls to â€Å"come buy our†¦.plump†¦sweet†¦rare† (lines 2-15) fruits. Lizzie, the docile sister succumbs to the Goblin’s seduction but her sister Laura realizes the danger and firmly resists the lure of the Goblin men. Laura’s character represents a generation of women brave enough to rebel against stereotypes created by women as loose and passionate as well as fight women subjugation. Men’s deceit is evident in women’s disappointments in marriage. Despite the strict marital laws, men could make a commitment to woman but later leave and go to another woman. This can be seen when Laura returns to the market in need of more fruits but she finds no goblins, they have disappeared with all their succulent fruits. This breaks Laura’s heart and she becomes depressed when she realizes that she may never get to eat the fruits again. This is equivalent to the disappointment most women faced after marriage, in that they were not completely satisfied and happy because they were repressed, oppressed and not loved as much as they expected. Surprisingly though, Lizzie who hasn’t yet tasted the fruits, can still hear the cries of the goblins. She however, manages to resist their incessant cries and calling but focuses on caring for her sister and looking ways of brining her back to life. Lizzie here could represent unmarried women desired by men and being coaxed into marriage. Observing her sister’s pitiful state teaches and empowers Lizzie, and it enables her to avoid falling for the goblin’s temptations. The struggle that could results from a woman’s attempt to fight patriarchy is represented when goblins use violence to taunt and torment her, but Lizzie does not falter or give in to their demands, â€Å"Though the goblins cuffed and caught her, Coaxed and fought her, Bullied and besought her, Scratched her, pinched her black as ink, Kicked and knocked her, Mauled and mocked her, Lizzie uttered not a word; Would not open lip from lip Lest they should cram a mouthful in†(lines 424-432). She represents strong women who were brave enough to stand up fight against society’s oppressive norms towards women. Her role as her sister’s savior shows the need for women’s collective action, how powerful they can be in fighting for their rights. Her persistence and effort could empower other women to stand up for their rights and continue fighting this kind of oppression and subjugation of women. Lizzie is able to resist the rape and humiliation that the goblins attempt on her because she has leverage. She comes with a coin in her purse, which gives her bargaining power even though it is little, she can trade with goblins on equal terms without following their terms. The violent and persistent behavior of the goblins in trying to force Lizzie to eat the fruit represents the forceful nature of men when it came to forcing women to submit to them in marriage. However, Lizzie is strong and persistent in resisting eating the fruit, but she lets the fruit juices stick to her body so that she can bring it home to her sister. When she arrives home she tells Laura to â€Å"hug me, kiss me, suck my juices† (line 468) and Laura does exactly that. The effect of the juices seems to work as they wake her from her trance and make her look more alive. The ending of the poem which hints at a possible erotic relationship between Laura and Lizzie could be a further commentary on how this newly found sense of identity also leads to a newly discovery of women’s sexuality instead of the old tradition of being restricted to only having romantic relations with men. However, the most important thing it that there is no presence of the domineering influence of goblin men in the lives of the two women. Similarly, Bronte’s Jane Eyre discreetly rebels against her society’s patriarchal system where â€Å"Women, in their inferior treatment in Victorian society, are treated by society like they were no more responsible or worthy of respect than children†(Lewis). She develops into a strong, independent, self-assured and empowered young woman. Her character stands out from the many conforming women characters in the novel especially Bertha, Rochester’s lunatic wife who is locked in the attic of his house, confined and being controlled by her husband like many married women. â€Å"Females were supposed to be quiet, submissive, passive, and loyal to their husbands†(Lewis). Jane Eyre on the other hand has her own ideas of how women should behave and what their role in society should be, contrary to what society dictates. We can see her rebellion against these oppressive societal norms when she says that; â€Å"Women are supposed to be very calm generally: but women feel just as men feel; they need exercise for their faculties, and a field for their efforts as much as their brothers do; they suffer from too rigid a restraint, too absolute a stagnation, precisely as men would suffer; and it is narrowed-minded in their more privileged fellow-creatures to say that they ought to confine themselves to making pudding and knitting stockings, to playing on the piano and embroidering bags. It is thoughtless to condemn them, or laugh at them, if they seek to do more or learn more than custom has pronounced necessary for their sex.† (Brontà « 112-13) She freely expresses her thoughts and her unfeminine ways puzzle most male and female characters in the novel. Also, she refuses to be charmed by Rochester who calls her angel and plans on transforming her through her dress style by she blatantly refuses this. Although he tries to convince her she does not believe him, she still remains skep tical and cautious. This clearly shows her refusal to be the woman that society expects her to be, gullible and naà ¯ve, just like Lizzie who is not fooled by the goblins. Most male characters in this novel are also portrayed negatively because here too, they represent the evil patriarchal system. Rochester, one of the male characters in Jane Eyre is described as â€Å"masculine; and†¦ dark, strong, and stern,†(115) a better description as compared to the animal-like goblins but still bad. Bronte mainly highlights his masculine features, his dominance, energy, and authoritative and forceful nature. Jane says that; â€Å"I knew my traveler with his broad and jetty eyebrows; his square forehead, made squarer by the horizontal sweep of his black hair..†¦yes, all three were very grim and no mistake. His shape, now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonized in squareness with his physiognomy; I suppose it was a good figure in the athletic sense of the term†¦broad chested and thin flank ed, though neither tall nor graceful (122). This masculinity translates to the power that men possessed over women in the Victorian era, evident in Rochester’s deceptive scheming plot to charm and deceive Jane into marrying him as his second wife. The wedding would have continued if he hadn’t confessed the truth. Bertha’s situation reveals women’s vulnerability in marriage. Rochester lies that they are divorced because he knows that he has silenced her by hiding her away and she cannot speak against him. Rochester also thinks he understands women, especially Jane but Bronte make it is clear that he does not understand her at all. Just like in â€Å"Goblin Market† men and women are not equals. The relationship is like a slave and his master hence problems in seeing eye to eye. Similar to â€Å"Goblin’s Market† Rochester’s former mistresses are an example of victims of the unfair marriage system which does not live up to its promises. Jane refers to the mistresses as  "these poor girls† (348) because she realizes that she could have easily been like them. Rochester also plays â€Å"games with her heart and soul in order to conduct a sort of experiment for his own benefit and amusement†(Lewis). Luckily for her, she avoids the trap by observing and learning from the other victims, just like Lizzie is able to learn from her sister’s mistake. Jane also struggles to overcome the danger of falling for Rochester’s lavish promises of love and wealth. Rochester’s persistence threatens her beliefs; she admits, â€Å"I loved him very much†¦more than I could trust myself to say†¦more than words had power to express† (295). Even though she is strong willed, Rochester’s dominance and deception threaten to consume her, she says; â€Å"My future husband was becoming to me my whole world†¦almost my hope of heaven. He stood between me and every thought of religion, as an eclipse intervenes between man and the broad sun. I could not, in those days, see God for his creature: of whom I had made an idol† (307). However, she gets a lucky escape when Rochester confesses. Jane lets â€Å" her fate to be dictated by herself and her own actions instead of the wishes and direction of Mr. Rochester†(Lewis). She sticks to her principles and leaves him. Jane also manages to assert her own identity in the male-dominated society even though both Mr. Rochester and St. John Rivers try to confine her to a subordinate position in order to control her. She achieves this by rejecting both Rochester and St. John. She only agrees to get married to Mr. Rochester after ensuring that their marriage is truly based on equality. She now has wealth and almost the same social class with him. Just like Lizzie was able to trade with the goblins because she had money. Brontà « uses Jane’s rebellious character to communicate her thoughts, as well as oppose Victorian subjugation and stereotypes about women in the Victorian society. Bronte and Rossetti can be seen as two of the few brave female writers who used their writing to denounce the oppressive norms of the Victorian society for women. The fight against patriarchy in both texts lead to empowerment of women and the discovery of their sense of identity, this attributes to the content and positive ending of both texts. Jane Eyre, Laura and Lizzie seem to have achieved a sense of security, happiness, and pride. Both texts end on a positive note, promising better relationships/understanding between men and women as well as better if not equal treatment. Works Cited: Robert Lewis, Gender Roles in Charlote Brontes Jane Eyre. The woman question: sexuality, sisterhood and subversion in chris ross† gblin market.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Publishing a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos E. Espinal

Publishing a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos E. Espinal Publishing a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos Eduardo Espinal Three days ago, we experienced the mixture of fear, excitement and fascination that comes  with a book launch. We released  our  very first book under the  Reedsy imprint: a Fundraising Field Guide, by Carlos Eduardo Espinal, partner at Seedcamp (Europe’s #1 Acceleration Fund).Reedsy is not really a publishing company, so this might come as a small surprise to those who know us. But this book meant something special to us, so we decided to get more involved than we usually do; now, it’s time to tell why†¦Pitching to SeedcampIt all started when our co-founder and CEO Emmanuel met Carlos in the Spring of 2014†¦ He pitched him the idea of Reedsy at a Seedcamp event in Paris, and Carlos told him he was actually in the process of turning a collection of blog posts he'd written over the years into a book. So when Reedsy was selected to pitch to the Seedcamp investment committee a few months later, we had our designer  draw him up and prepared a cool slide just for him†¦

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Do You Qualify for the National Merit Scholarship

Do You Qualify for the National Merit Scholarship SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Out of the 1.5 million juniors in the US who take the PSAT only about 7,600 will end up with a National Merit Scholarship of $2,500 through the National Merit Scholarship Program. So how do you qualify? If you do qualify, what are your chances of getting the scholarship? I am going to answer these questions by discussing the basic qualification for National Merit and laying out a timeline for the program. Qualification Guidelines There are four main qualifications for scholarship consideration: three basic and one PSAT score related. They are all equally important because if you do not meet all of the qualifications, you cannot participate in the program.The 3 basic qualifications you need to meet are: Take the PSAT during your junior year (3rd year) of high school Plan to enroll in college full-time by the fall after your graduate from high school Be a US Citizen or US Permanent resident who plans to become a US Citizen Then there is the test score related qualification. The exact score qualifications vary from year to year and state to state, but typically, the top 3% of students (about 50,000 juniors) qualify to be in the program. The top 1% of students have the best shot at winning the scholarship. How Does the Selection Timeline Work? Let's go through when each step of the National Merit selection occurs and how it will affect you if you're chosen. October of Junior Year: You take the PSAT. April of Junior Year: 50,000 students are notified that they are potential National Merit Scholars and are asked to select 2 colleges thatthe National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) will send a reference. September of Senior Year: â…” of the 50,000 students (about 34,000) will receive Letters of Commendation (recognizing them for their academic achievement, but notifying them they are no longer in the running for a scholarship). The remaining â…“ of students (about 16,000) will advance as National Merit Scholarship Semifinalists. Semifinalists typically have PSAT scores of at least 201 to 222 (on the old 240 point scale). Again the reason for the large point discrepancy is that the winners are chosen by state. If your state has lower scores on average, you will be able to qualify with a lower score than in other states with higheraverage PSAT scores. The Semifinalists are asked to submit applications for scholarship considerations. I will not go into detail on the scholarship application in this article. For more information on what is required for the National Merit Scholarship application and how to craft the strongest application read our other article. February of Senior Year: Semifinalists who advance to the Finalist round will be notified. About 15,000 of 16,000 Semifinalists advance. March of Senior Year: The 8,900 Finalists who are selected for a scholarship (out of the 15,000 Finalists) will be notified. NOTE: not all of these 8,900 Finalists receive a $2,500 one-time National Merit Scholarship. Through the program, students may be offered a National Merit Scholarship, a Corporate-Sponsored Merit Scholarship, or a College-Sponsored Merit Scholarship. (I will explain how students are selected for scholarships in more depth below.) How Do You Know If You Probably Won’t Get a Scholarship? Obviously, if you are not notified in April or if you receive a Letter of Commendation in September, you know you will not be advancing to the Semifinalist round. Therefore, youwill not be in contention for a National Merit Scholarship or one of the other scholarships. Additionally, if your score is not in the top 1%, you don't have a great chance of advancing to the Semifinalist round (the â…” of students who receive Letters of Commendation and do not advance to Semifinalists typically have scores in the top 2-3%).Once you have advanced to the Semifinalist round, you have about a 50-50 chance of receiving a scholarship (since half the Semifinalists receive scholarships: 8,900 of 16,000). How Do You Know If You Have a Good Chance of Getting the Scholarship? If your score is in the top 1% (for your state), you have a good chance of getting the scholarship.However, the final step in consideration for the scholarship is your application and the National Merit Scholarship Program acknowledges that scholarship recipients are chosen â€Å"based on their abilities, skills, and accomplishments.† Once you are selected as a Semifinalist and submit your application, the National Merit Scholarship Corporation takes all of the following into consideration when deciding on scholarships:â€Å"the Finalist's academic record, information about the school's curricula and grading system, two sets of test scores [SAT and PSAT], the high school official's written recommendation, information about the student's activities and leadership, and the Finalist's own essay.† If you have a very strong transcript (as close to 4.0 GPA on 4.0 scale with challenging course load of AP or IB classes) and a very high SAT score (close to 2400 on the old scale or close to 1600 on the new SAT),in addition to having a PSAT score in the top 1%, you have a solid chance of receiving a scholarship. Want to improve your PSAT score by 150 points? We have the industry's leading PSAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Make sure to make all aspects of your Semifinalist application as strong as possible to increase your chances of winning a scholarship.Get advice on that and more in our other article: National Merit Finalist - How to Win the Scholarship. Victory! What Is the Difference Between National Merit Scholarships and the Other Scholarships Offered? According to the National Merit website, National Merit Scholarships are $2500 single payment scholarships, which are awarded â€Å"without consideration of family financial circumstances, college choice, or major and career plans.†All Finalists are considered for this scholarship. I will give a brief explanation of the other types of scholarships, but for a more in-depth one,check out our other article. Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards are awarded based on each Corporate sponsor’s criteria.Some â€Å"designate their awards for children of their employees or members, for residents of a community where a company has operations, or for Finalists with career plans the sponsor wishes to encourage. These scholarships may either be renewable for four years of undergraduate study or one-time awards.† The amount for these Corporate-sponsored Merit Scholarships varies by company. College-sponsored Merit Scholarship awards are awarded to â€Å"Finalists who have been accepted for admission and have informed NMSC by [through their application] that the sponsor college or university is their first choice.†You can only receive one of these College-sponsored Merit Scholarships if you were accepted to the university that you told National Merit was your first choice. Also, if you were accepted to your first choice college and choose not to attend that university, you will forfeit your scholarship. The amount of these scholarships vary by school, but each scholarship will be between $500 and $2000 per year. These scholarships are renewable up to 4 years. You have little control over which scholarship you will receive. All three of types of scholarships are equally prestigious and receiving one is no better than receiving another from an academic standpoint (though it may be better from a financial standpoint). Focus on trying to qualify to be a finalist and don't worry too much about which type of scholarship you will receive. What’s Next? Prepare to rock the PSAT if you haven't taken it yet: The PSAT Score Range (Updated for New 2015 PSAT) What's a Good PSAT Score for a Junior? PSAT Practice Tests: Free Questions and Full-Length Tests Get more advice on National Merit and other scholarships: National Merit Finalist - How to Win the Scholarship How To Get Merit Scholarships and Honors at State Schools How to Win a Walmart Scholarship: Strategy Guide How to Win a Gates Millennium Scholarship Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Dora Seigel About the Author As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Sunday, November 3, 2019

UKs Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

UKs Economy - Essay Example Services, particularly banking, insurance, and business services, account by far for the largest proportion of GDP while industry continues to decline in importance. Since emerging from recession in 1992, Britain's economy has enjoyed the longest period of expansion on record; growth has remained in the 2-3% range since 2004, outpacing most of Europe. The majority of the companies where held by the government till 1940's. However, at present there is a widespread privatization of formerly government owned companies. Many leading companies are owned by or in the process of bidding for the foreign owners. For instances, Jaguar's acquisition by TATA Motors and BMW selling off Rover. Some of these owners are themselves in public sector or are only must going through privatization process. The crisis in US property market has prompted global banks to rein in lending, leading to fears of a sharp global slowdown. (Fleming 2007). (Cubbin). There are some acceptable rescue strategies that are used for rescuing corporate organisations. "Many of these strategies require internal changes, which may impact on the following areas:" (Arrangements: Working Towards a Common Goal). Pricing policy: The pricing of products of a company even if it is healthy is of great importance. The pricing of a product will be dependent on many factors like, competition for the product, its exclusivity, consumer perception etc. A company that is in financial trouble can take a look at its pricing policy and try to increase revenues though increased sales. The first thing that could be done is to see whether the products can be priced higher than it is currently priced. If, after due analysis and if found feasible, increased product pricing can help to increase the cash flow of a company in trouble. Another strategy that could be followed is use menu-pricing. This is the practice of assessing the standard price of a product and then add or lessen related services that are associated with the product. In this way the pricing of the product can be fixed so that it will be different from the price of a competing product. "Top pricing performers use menu-pricing--setting a price f or a standard service and then offering a range of service levels that raise or lower that price--differently than their less successful peers, and more often. This approach makes it possible for companies to charge customers more accurately for the cost of serving them." (Alldredge, Griffin and Kotcher, 2003). Increasing the price range of products may also be of help. Cash Management: Managing scarce resources in times of need are very important in any situation. A company in financial trouble may find itself starved of liquid assets, especially cash. A thorough understanding of the cash flow of the company should be made. From this it will be clear as to where the problem in cash flow exists. For example, it could be that debtors are not paying what is due to the company. Addressing this problem and trying to find a way out will be of great help in situations like this. Manufacturing process: A modification or restructuring of an inefficient manufacturing process can help in rescuing the company. If is a service sector company, its service process could be revamped. Staff:

Friday, November 1, 2019

Visual technology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Visual technology - Assignment Example The artist creates this dimension. Therefore, art becomes unique as it comes to be the product of the artist’s imagination. Literally, reproduction of arts means to recreate art, a camera mimicking the way eye sees the object is an example of it. By introducing the term â€Å"politics† Benjamin referred to the manipulation of art for personal gains. It is similar to discovering nuclear energy but if it was going to be used to destroy Hiroshima and Nagasaki it was certainly not the intention of the scientist that discovered it in the first place. The politics of arts allows the images to be reused and modified with the use of text and sound and soft fares to produce the desired results. It is hard to come to a conclusive perception when I look at this painting. To me, this artwork is by far the most elegant and extraordinary work by Picasso. The simplicity in the play of color is exquisite. It should look unbalanced and smudgy with this unusual play of colors yet it is extremely balanced and has a serene effect on the emotional state of mind. Physically, I feel alive and liberated when I look at this artwork. The immediate impact on the physical state is the acknowledgement that this ‘renegade’ dimension exists and speaks directly to me. Intellectually, this painting does not fall into the conventional realm because it seems off-the-cuff or a deviation from the monotonous lifestyle. To me, it is the difference between listening to the symphonies of Mozart and hip-hop music. I instantly think about my childhood when I look at this artwork. Without a doubt, this painting triggers nostalgia in me. I start relating how I always wanted to be different, the way this painting seems different from the others. If Picasso could paint this today it would be a messy room of a teenager who plays guitar and loves football. The newness of this image is the comfort in knowing that something exists with which