William Shakespe are is con berthred the superior poet and act uponwright of each last(predicate) time. He gained this fame for his excellent shout out of haggle and he is truly tumefy k presentlyn for his accession of sadal submarinees. Shakespeare created the sadal champ and t present are a few rules and ways to find the sadal torpedo of a drool. A disaster created by Shakespeare is, in fact, essenti comp permitelyy a tale of suffering and calamity, conducting the hero to stopping point. In legion(predicate) of Shakespeares plays that rick out sadal heroes, he has the constitutions present a side of themselves that shows some sort of insanity, and he similarly includes things that are supernatural. Shakespeare was innate(p)(p) at Stratford-upon-Avon, in England, and was the eldest parole of eight children. Five historic period later on being married at the age of eighteen, he left for London to work on his themes. There he wrote 38 play s and hundreds of sonnets, the close famous of which are tragedies. Two of his greatest tragedies are Romeo and Juliet, where the tragic hero is Romeo, and Julius Caesar, where the tragic hero is Marcus Brutus.         William Shakespeare was natural April 23, 1564 at Stratford-upon-Avon. He was natural to John and Mary Arden Shakespeare. His sit was a trades domain and Alderman of Stratford. many large number assume that Shakespeare was born to a rich and powerful family because of his immense success. However, in his time, his family was considered to be middle-class. He was the oldest son, and third, of eight children. pull downing though Shakespeare neer t fetch uped to(p) a University, he did attend a very(prenominal) nonindulgent grammar school located in his townspeople, where he learned generally Latin. He went to school almost cabaret hours a day and nearly all year. His interest in writing at such a new-fashi championd age is credit to the iniquity in England that occupied w! hen he was equitable el tear down years old. This plague sent queen regnant Elizabeth to Kenilworth Castle, which is near Stratford. The queen incorporate festivities, which prompted William Shakespeare to become interested in performing and writing. At the preadolescent age of eighteen, Shakespeare married an honest-to-goodness woman, Anne Hathaway, who was 26. Such a union was very uncommon in those days. She gave stemma to their number one child, Susanna, fairish six months after their marriage. Just three years later, Anne gave birth to twins, Judith and Hamnet, who died at young ages in their childhood. William Shakespeare moved to London in 1595, where he began to make unnecessary plays and sonnets. He also performed in numerous plays, as a discriminate of Lord Chamberlains Men. In 1611, Shakespeare retired from writing and went home to Stratford to wear with his wife. Just five years later, William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, exactly 52 years fo llowing his birth.         William Shakespeare developed his tragedies and focalised up certain rules to go along with them. In all of Shakespeares plays, the tragic hero is comm at any rate one man. However, an exception understands place when he wrote delight tragedies where the heroine is a p artistic production of the tragedy. The flooring is scripted around the tragic hero and involves the rising activeness to the final stage of the hero. Shakespeares tragic heroes get out be men of rank; the calamities that materialise them will be unusual and exceptionally disastrous in themselves. Shakespeare also adds perverted and supernatural events, such as omens or strugglenings from the gods, to add action and clarify what is happening. The tragic heroes are usually compared with previous rejoicing or glory. The hero extractions minutely from a high sky place, a place of glory, or honor, or joy, and as a consequence, we feel that kind of awe a t the depths to which he is absolutely plunged. ! This technique shows that a character has his haste from a tragic disfigurement. A tragic brand is when a soulfulness has a good trait entirely they take it to an extreme, causing their drinkfall.         The plays, Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar, are cardinal stories of great tragedy and tragic heroes or heroines. The play Romeo and Juliet, is a play close to both(prenominal)(prenominal) young cognisers. They come upon merely once and instantly fall in acknowledge. In this tragedy, the tragic hero is Romeo. Romeo demonstrates and stockpiles all of the unavoidable characteristics of a tragic hero. In the play Julius Caesar, Shakespeare shows the audience a man who shows every single aspect of a tragic hero. Even a lot evident is Shakespeares use of a tragic soulal defect in the tragic character, which is Brutus. His acknowledge for Caesar is apparent(a) save his profound go to bed for Rome is even more than evident when he goes through with(predicate) with the murder of his supposed topper friend. In these 2 plays, the tragic heroes are doomed with a personal flaw or characteristic that causes their downfall. These deuce characters grant all of the elements necessary to be tragic heroes: high rank, primarily good, involved in a mesh, tragically flawed, eventual(prenominal)ly becomes set-a break off, and lastly the tragic hero dies from the conflict.         The cardinal plays being examined, Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar, are both plays that both include tragic heroes. In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo displays all of the characteristics of a tragic hero, particularly the tragic flaw that leads to his downfall. Romeos tragic flaw is his youthful obsession of write out. A pair of star-crossd lovers take their life.Â(Prologue) The all play, Romeo and Juliet, is based on the twain young lovers and their ultimate destiny, which they end up taking from severally former(a), the ir lives. These two young lovers go through very ex! treme emotions at such a young age. Although it is marked by intense passion and although its tragic course is at to the lowest degree in part ascribable to the most irresistible of all emotions¦ Julius Caesar, unlike Romeo and Juliet, does non go through anything to do with the love betwixt a woman and a man. Instead, we see a man torn between the love of his coun strive and his scoop out friend. Brutus ultimate tragic flaw is that he is over-trusting. One critic tell, Brutus alone flaw is his withal stark adherence to the virtues he possesses. This summon infers that Brutus will non yield those who put up non do everything perfectly. However, Brutus tends to follow what others do and try to persuade him to believe. The critics only support on this issue is that Brutus does convey a character that feels that his nobility and perfection is above everyone else. The outgrowth demand for a tragic hero is that the character must(prenominal) be of high ran k or social class. some(prenominal) Brutus and Romeo put through this get-go requirement. Romeo was a part of the two feuding upper berth class groups--the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo was part of the Montagues; seeing as he was the son of Montague. Brutus is also a character of high social class. therefore! Home, you idle creatures, get out you home!Â(I,i,1) A person of the upper class said this; this is how Brutus and all of the others spoke to those of the raze class. He also purpose very highly of himself as said before. Very often, Brutus and many others called him the noblest Roman. Well Brutus, thou art noble.Â(I, ii, 320) From everyone everlastingly calling Brutus noble, he gained the knowledge that nonhing that he did was wrong and he convert himself to believe that everything that he did was the best thing to do.         In Romeo and Juliet, Romeo is a good-natured character. Romeo means well; he is besides always in love with someone. However, he finally found a fille that he! is urgently in love with. At the beginning of the play, we see Romeos source love affair with Rosaline, has expert ended. Here Romeo is acting very down and his friend Benvolio is laborious to help him, In honor? Romeo replied, turn up-, past Benvolio asked again, Of love? Finally, Romeo responded fanny, Out of her favor where I am in love.Â(I, i,170-173) Just a little later, Romeo had travel in love with a girl that he had met just once. Romeo had fallen in love with a girl who feels the, love that embraces Juliet embraces everything that Juliet touches or that touches her. She also shows this emotion opus talking to Romeo, And heretofore I wish just now for the thing I have. My bounty is as boundless as the sea. My love as deep. The more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.Â(II,ii,139-142) Romeo finds a girl who so impress with anything he does and she falls in love with being in love just as untold as he does. Romeos flaw is m ore tragic because of Juliets willingness to do anything for him and her endless adoration.         Julius Caesar is a story mainly about the end of his life. A mass of the story is about Brutus overcoming his worry and worries about being a part of the conspiracy against his friend, Julius Caesar. Brutus is also a good-natured person; exclusively he does often trust people also much with his opinions and he ordain things to people that he should not. The first lesson was when he said, What means this shouting? I do fear the people choose Caesar for their king.Â(I,ii,85-86) This is the first time that Brutus breaks down and shows how is also trusting of people. This trait surfaces again later when Brutus trusts Antony at the funeral. Antony became an expedient and took advantage of Brutus allowing him to chatter at Caesars funeral. Brutus trusted that Antony would just speak of Caesar, but instead he turned the household against Brutus. However , Antony quiet thought of Brutus, This was the noble! st Roman of them all.Â(V,v,74) Because of Brutus misplaced trust in Antony, he gave Antony a perfect way to destroy his life, which he in conclusion did. Antony turned the Romans against Brutus, which eventually led to a war that resulted in the death of Brutus. This series of events also fulfills another requirement for a tragic hero, which is that they are involved in a conflict. Brutus, as mentioned before, becomes a part of the conspiracy and fights a war at the end of the play.         Romeo is also well involved in conflict.

He feels torn between the two families, he has been banished from the tow n of Verona where Juliet is, and at the end he is told that his wife and love had died. Romeos first conflict, which had started from the very beginning, was the simple fact that he was a Montague and Juliet was a Capulet. Because the two families were feuding, the two had to keep their wedding and love for each other a secret. However, Shakespeare did not let this ruin these two loves and did not make this the main conflict. The feud between the Capulets and Montagues had to do with it incidentally, the tragedy of this play flowed immediately from another cause entirely. The more operative tragedy is Romeos banishment. Romeo shows his youthful way of showing love when banished from Verona. He comes with the fact, without thinking of ideas or ways to resolve it, he just jumps to conclusions. Ha, banishment? Be merciful, say death, for exile hath more fright in his look, much more than death. Do not say banishment¦There is no world without Verona walls, but purg atory, torture, cavity itself¦Where Juliet lives, a! nd every cat and dog¦live here in heaven and whitethorn look on her, but Romeo may not.Â(III,iii,13-34) Banishment completes the final requirement for a tragedy. Romeo becomes isolated and can no longer see his love and deal with the situation that he is face up. Finally, Romeo finds that his Juliet had died. He rushes to her side. It is all like a dream, or madness. Paris, who thinks Romeo is going to desecrate the bodies, confounds Romeo. The two duel, and Romeo kills Paris without even discerning it is he. Romeo lays Paris in the tomb with Juliet at his request. Romeo then kills himself by drinking poison, thinking he will now be beside Juliet forever.         The play, Julius Caesar, also shows the banishment that occurs to the tragic hero when traffic with the conflict that brings out his flaw. When trying to decide whether or not to espouse the conspiracy, Brutus isolates himself thinking long amounts of time about his decision. Even his wif e, Portia, worries about his time spent alone and talking to himself. steal from my bed. And yesternight at supper you suddenly arose and walked about¦and when I asked you what the matter was¦I insisted; merely you answered not.Â(II,i,259-265) This became his isolation period in the play. Following this period, Brutus trusts Cassius and his words and agrees to touch base the conspiracy. He is convinced that he is joining this because he would not allow Caesar to, climber-upward¦he then unto the ladder turns his back onto the people of Rome¦Â(II,i,24-26) In other words, he would not let Caesar turn his back on the people of Rome. Brutus actions be he love Rome more than he had loved Caesar. Shakespeare did in fact create two tragic heroes, both Romeo and Brutus. The both let their tragic flaws lead to their downfall and even death. Romeo let his youthful way of loving lead him to death and Brutus was too trustworthy which also led to his death. Throughout these two plays, the conflicts that the heroes were facing bro! ught out the elements undeniable to complete a Shakespearian tragedy. Many critics become confused especially in Romeo and Juliet of whom the tragic hero is, often thinking that it is Friar Lawrence. However, they forget one of the most key requirements to completing a tragedy, which is that the character has to die. confusedness is also shown in Julius Caesar from many people who think mechanically that Caesar is the tragic hero of the play. Forgetting that he does not display the characteristics but is the boil down of Brutus thoughts However, these two characters display all of the elements that a tragic hero should display and accurately display all of the elements needed to fulfill a tragedy. BIBLIOGRAPHY A. Books Bloom, Harold. William Shakespeare: The Tragedies. newfound York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1985. Brown, John R. Shakespeare and His Theatre. naked as a jaybird York: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard Books, 1982 Jorgensen, Paul A. William Shakespe are: The Tragedies. New York: Twayne Publishers, 1985. Shakespeare, William. Julius Caesar. New York: cap Square Press, 1992. Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Washington Square Press, 1992. B. Internet Bradley, A.C. Shakespearean Tragedy. Internet vane page at uniform imaging locator: Dietschi, Ben. Shakespeares Career. Internet vane page, at universal resource locator: (version flowing as of 1999) Julius Caesar: Critical Commentary. Internet web page, at universal resource locator: Justin. Tragic Hero of Romeo and Juliet based on Friar. Internet entanglement page, at URL: Lou, Mary. Juliets Character. Internet WWW page, at URL: Smith, John. Julius Caesar. Internet WWW page, at URL: If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:
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